
Mentor Inspiration
Hello, friends! Vice President of Programs, Matt Sandoval, here. I wanted to share an update on the progress of the Canvas of the Heart podcast for Free Arts. I’m happy to report that we have successfully completed the podcast’s first season! Throughout the summer, we were able to feature a diverse group of guests who...
Teaching Artist Carlos Urtubey and Volunteer Mentor Sara Coggins Building connections through music is one of the most impactful ways to leave a mark in someone’s life. Recently, in our Professional Artist Series, teaching artist Carlos Urtubey and new volunteer mentor Sara Coggins, taught six (1 hour) sessions to Southwest Key – Long Term Foster...
Masks created at the Weekly Mentor Program
Our Weekly Mentor Program this past summer created masks at one of our participating partner child welfare agencies. The Weekly Mentor Program is making a comeback in a strong way! Over the past fiscal year, children and their mentors created everything art-related. From DIY board games and their ideal villages to colorful masks and detailed...
By Michael Jung, Volunteer Mentor You want to volunteer for an organization. You’ve heard all about the benefits of volunteering. How it boosts your self-esteem and improves your health. How you can make friends and network. How you can learn new skills that will help you personally and professionally. But how do you decide which volunteer organization...
By: Jessica Flowers, Free Arts Program Director In 2007, I was hired to coordinate the Weekly Mentor Program at Free Arts.  As a part of my training, I led my own weekly mentor group and visited countless mentors to observe their programs and offer feedback. I ran this program for six years, wrote project curriculum,...
Keynote speaker, psychiatrist, and renowned researcher of trauma-informed care, Dr. Bruce Perry, addressed the audience at the 5th Annual ACES Summit on December 11, in Scottsdale Arizona.  While referring to ACES (adverse childhood experiences), Dr. Perry noted that early trauma in children can cause mental issues like anxiety and depression and physical issues such as high...
It is a story of perseverance and how… Every child matters. Every story matters. Art is vital to telling the story. As a registered art therapist and licensed professionals counselor, I see a lot of people and hear their stories every day. It is impossible to tell by looking at someone the depth of despair in...
“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” Brene Brown Mentors in the Free Arts Weekly Mentor program are charged with a lot. Each week they:...