Our Mission

Transforming children’s trauma to resilience through the arts.


Every child who has experienced the trauma of abuse, neglect and/or homelessness has access to resilience-building arts programs and caring adult volunteer mentors.


Resilience – We are optimistic, solutions-focused, and agile in an ever-changing environment.

Bravery – We take smart and well-supported risks. We try, sometimes we fail, we learn, and we try again. We bravely ask for feedback and have a growth mindset.        

Connection – We build trust, and nurture strong and thoughtful connections. 

Creativity – We are inspired, imaginative, and design impactful experiences and solutions. We use an “art with intention” model ensuring there is a reason and meaning behind all activities.  

Strength – We look for the best in every situation and relationship. We seek, support, and celebrate the strengths of each individual. 

Innovation – We strategically plan, using past-experiences and current information for a positive future.  

Trauma-informed Care

Free Arts employs a trauma informed approach in all our programs. This means that Free Arts staff, volunteer mentors, and teaching artists are trained to recognize the impact of trauma and approach their interactions with children and one another in a way that is empathetic, supportive, and resists re-traumatization.

Free Arts practices the six key principles of a trauma-informed approach:

• Safety

• Trustworthiness and transparency

• Peer support

• Collaboration 

• Empowerment, voice, and choice

• Cultural, historical, and gender issues